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Integrated Research Training Group
in Mitochondrial Biology


Jan Riemer
Institute for Biochemistry
University of Cologne

E-mail: jan.riemerSpamProtectionuni-koeln.de
Phone: +49 - 221 / 470 7306   
For more information and contact
please visit the RIEMER LAB.

mito-RTG Steering Committee

Jan Riemer
Ana J. García-Sáez
Aleksandra Trifunovic
Elisa Motori

Kim Jasmin Lapacz and Vincent Anton,
representatives of mito-RTG doctoral candidates

Alina Farid, representative of the mito-RTG Postdocs

Isabella Gaziano, scientific coordinator of the mito-RTG


The integrated Research Training Group in Mitochondrial Biology (mito-RTG) programme, specifically designed for the Doctoral Candidates (DCs) and Postdocs participating in the projects of CRC 1218, provides them with the best possible scientific and team environment, guidance, mentoring and teaching.

The mito-RTG is embedded in the Graduate School for Biological Sciences (GSfBS), a registered study course offering workshops in scientific as well as transferable skills. The Steering Committee and the scientific coordinator take care of all matters of the mito-RTG.