Z03 | Mitochondrial structure and dynamics in light and electron microscopy

Astrid Schauss
CECAD Research Center/Institute for Genetics
University of Cologne
E-mail: ASchaussuni-koeln.de
Phone: +49 - 221 / 478 84027
For more information and contact please visit the IMAGING FACILITY.
Running time within the CRC 1218: 07/2016 - 06/2028.
Ana Garcia joined the project from 2020-2024.
We will move towards an increased automation in EM and 3D EM image acquisition by implementing a published Python module in SerialEM. This will allow us to identify and acquire cells of interest more efficiently, especially in serial sectioning approaches. In collaboration with the García-Sáez lab we will further improve on mitochondria recognition for LM images using AI and deep-learning algorithms. We will adapt these workflows to identify and segment mitochondria in EM images of cells and tissue. For this, trainings data sets will be acquired and annotated. In addition, we will improve our CLEM and Super-CLEM protocols to the needs of the CRC and combine it with high-pressure freezing sample preparation to prevent fixation artefacts in mitochondrial ultrastructure.
Project-related publications
Buntenbroich I, Anton V, Perez-Hernandez D, Simões T, Gaedke F, Schauss A, Dittmar G, Riemer J, Escobar-Henriques M. (2023). Docking and stability defects in mitofusin highlight the proteasome as a potential therapeutic target. iScience. 26(7):107014. DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2023.107014.
Kochan SMV, Cepero Malo M, Jevtic M, Jahn HM, Wani G, Gaedke F, Schäffner I, Chichung-Lie D, Schauss A, Bergami M (2023). Enhanced mitochondrial fusion during a critical period of synaptic plasticity in adult-born neurons. BioRxiv. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.05.11.540324
Pla-Martín D, Babatz F, Schauss AC (2023). Localization of Mitochondrial Nucleoids by Transmission Electron Microscopy Using the Transgenic Expression of the Mitochondrial Helicase Twinkle and APEX2. Methods Mol Biol. 2615:173-188. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-0716-2922-2_13.
Cosentino K, Hertlein V, Jenner A, Dellmann T, Gojkovic M, Peña-Blanco A, Dadsena S, Wajngarten N, Danial JSH, Thevathasan JV, Mund M, Ries J, Garcia-Saez AJ. (2022). The interplay between BAX and BAK tunes apoptotic pore growth to control mitochondrial-DNA-mediated inflammation. Mol Cell. 82(5):933-949.e9. DOI: 10.1016/j.molcel.2022.01.008.
Sen A, Kallabis S, Gaedke F, Jüngst C, Boix J, Nüchel J, Maliphol K, Hofmann J, Schauss AC, Krüger M, Wiesner RJ, Pla-Martín D. (2022). Mitochondrial membrane proteins and VPS35 orchestrate selective removal of mtDNA. Nat Commun. 13(1):6704. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-34205-9.
Ricke, K.M., Paß, T., Kimoloi, S., Fährmann, K., Jüngst, C., Schauss, A., Baris, O.R., Aradjanski, M., Trifunovic, A., Eriksson Faelker, T.M., Bergami, M., Wiesner, R.J. (2020). Mitochondrial Dysfunction Combined with High Calcium Load Leads to Impaired Antioxidant Defense Underlying the Selective Loss of Nigral Dopaminergic Neurons. J Neurosci. 2020 Feb 26;40(9):1975-1986
Anton, V., Buntenbroich, I., Schuster, R., Babatz, F., Simoes, T., Altin, S., Calabrese, G., Riemer, J., Schauss, A.C., Escobar-Henriques, M. (2019). Plasticity in salt-bridge allows fusion-competent ubiquitylation of mitofusins and Cdc48 recognition. Life Sci. Alliance, 2(6). pii: e201900491.
Schatton, D., Pla-Martin, D., Marx, M.C., Hansen, H., Mourier, A., Nemazanyy, I., Pessia, A., Zentis, P., Corona, T., Kondylis, V., Barth, E., Schauss, A.C., Velagapudi, V., and Rugarli, E.I. (2017). CLUH regulates mitochondrial metabolism by controlling translation and decay of target mRNAs. J. Cell Biol. 216, 675-693. doi: 10.1083/jcb.201607019.
Miller, S.E., Mathiasen, S., Bright, N.A., Pierre, F., Kelly, B.T., Kladt, N., Schauss, A.C., Merrifield, C.J., Stamou, D., Höning, S., and Owen, D.J. (2015). CALM regulates clathrin-coated vesicle size and maturation by directly sensing and driving membrane curvature. Dev. Cell. 33, 163-175.
Witt, A., Seeger, J.M., Coutelle, O., Zigrino, P., Broxtermann, P., Andree, M., Brinkmann, K., Jüngst, C., Schauss, A.C., Schüll, S., Wohlleber, D., Knolle, P.A., Krönke, M., Mauch, C. and Kashkar, H. (2015) IAP antagonization promotes inflammatory destruction of vascular endothelium. EMBO Rep. 16, 719-27.
Anand, R., Wai, T., Baker, M.J., Kladt, N., Schauss, A.C., Rugarli, E. and Langer, T. (2014). The i-AAA protease YME1L and OMA1 cleave OPA1 to balance mitochondrial fusion and fission. J. Cell Biol. 17, 204, 919-929.