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B13 | Novel paradigms in the regulation of mitochondrial integrated stress responses

Aleksandra Trifunovic
CECAD Research Center/Institute for Mitochondrial Diseases and Ageing
University Hospital Cologne

E-mail: aleksandra.trifunovicSpamProtectionuk-koeln.de
Phone: +49 - 221 / 478 84291
For more information and contact please visit the TRIFUNOVIC LAB.

Running time within the CRC 1218: 07/2024 - 06/2028.


Over the last few years, it became clear that one specific pathway has been activated in response to perturbation in OXPHOS activity, preceding other adaptive changes in mitochondrial biogenesis or antioxidant defence, namely the mitochondrial integrated stress response (mitoISR). We propose to further dissect this stress response by specifically investigating the regulation and consequences of acute to chronic mitoISR switch and dissecting the role of mitoISR in the regulation of postmitotic differentiation.

Recent project-related publications

Moschandrea C, Kondylis V, Evangelakos I, Herholz M, Schneider F, Schmidt C, Yang M, Ehret S, Heine M, Jaeckstein MY, Szczepanowska K, Schwarzer R, Baumann L, Bock T, Nikitopoulou E, Brodesser S, Krüger M, Frezza C, Heeren J, Trifunovic A*, Pasparakis M* (2023). Mitochondrial dysfunction abrogates dietary lipid processing in enterocytes. Nature Dec 20. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-06857-0. Online ahead of print. (*corresponding authors)

Croon M, Szczepanowska K, Popovic M, Lienkamp C, Senft K, Brandscheid CP, Bock T, Gnatzy-Feik L, Ashurov A, Acton RJ, Kaul H, Pujol C, Rosenkranz S, Kruger M, Trifunovic A (2022). FGF21 modulates mitochondrial stress response in cardiomyocytes only under mild mitochondrial dysfunction. Sci Adv 8:eabn7105. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abn7105.

Kaspar S, Oertlin C, Szczepanowska K, Kukat A, Senft K, Lucas C, Brodesser S, Hatzoglou M, Larsson O, Topisirovic I, Trifunovic A (2021). Adaptation to mitochondrial stress requires CHOP-directed tuning of ISR. Sci Adv 7. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abf0971.

Willenborg S, Sanin DE, Jais A, Ding X, Ulas T, Nuchel J, Popovic M, MacVicar T, Langer T, Schultze JL, Gerbaulet A, Roers A, Pearce EJ, Bruning JC, Trifunovic A, Eming SA (2021). Mitochondrial metabolism coordinates stage-specific repair processes in macrophages during wound healing. Cell Metab 33:2398-2414 e2399. DOI: 10.1016/j.cmet.2021.10.004.