A05 | The role of CLUH in the translation of mRNAs encoding mitochondrial proteins

Elena Rugarli
CECAD Research Center/Institute for Genetics
University of Cologne
E-mail: elena.rugarliuni-koeln.de
Phone: +49 - 221 / 478 84244
For more information and contact please visit the RUGARLI LAB.
Running time within the CRC 1218: 07/2016 - 06/2028.
Regulation of mitochondrial biogenesis and function is essential during development and adult life. Post-transcriptional mechanisms enable fast and adaptive responses to tailor mitochondrial gene expression to changing cellular needs. We showed that the CLUH (clustered mitochondrial homolog) protein binds mRNAs encoding for a subset of mitochondrial proteins. Loss of CLUH leads to destabilization of its target mRNAs and to a depletion of the corresponding proteins from mitochondria. Previously, we have demonstrated the physiological requirement of CLUH in the mouse in several tissues. We now aim to elucidate the molecular basis of how CLUH binds and regulates its target mRNAs.
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