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Lecture series by PIs of the CRC 1218

Mitochondrial Research Seminar Series

Seminar Series on Career Paths

KKU2023 - Educational outreach activity 2023

Lara Kroczek & Lilli Pazurek with Eileen Cors

take the mito-RTG | CRC 1218 to the KölnerKinderUni
March 14 and 16, 2023

Three enthusiastic doctoral candidates of the laboratory of Thomas Langer,
Lara, Lilli and Eileen contributed a workshop to the 2023’s “KölnerKinderUni
programme (course no. 32 and 38).
Der geheimnisvolle Bauplan unseres Lebens - die DNA“ –
The mysterious blueprint of our lives - the DNA

Young pupils learned how to extract DNA from tomatoes, dyed and observed own buccal mucosal epithelial cells using light microscopy and learned how our DNA makes us to unique individuals.

